Thutopatlisiso ya SCORPIO-PEP ke eng?

Le mororo go dirilwe maiteko mo lefatsheng lotlhe a go nna le moento wa COVID-19, go runtse mefuta e e farologaneng ya SARS-CoV-2. Mefuta eno e mentšha ya mogare e ka anama bonolo thata le go fokotsa tshireletso ya moento. Go na le matshosetsi a go nna le bolwetse jo bo tseneletseng, go robala kwa bookelong, le loso mo bathong ba ba entilweng ba ba nang le malwetse a nako e telele. Go tlhokega dikalafi tse dintšha go thibela go anama ga COVID-19.

Thutopatlisiso ya SCORPIO-PEP e dirwa go ithuta gore a molemo wa tekeletso, S-217622, o ka thibela COVID-19 mo go bao ba leng mo kotsing ya gore e ka ba tsena.

Go tlhaloganya thutopatlisiso ya SCORPIO-PEP

Lebelela bidio eno go ithuta go le gontsi ka ga thutopatlisiso ya SCORPIO-PEP.

Go Tlhaloganya Ditekeletso tsa Kalafi

Dithutopatlisiso tsa kalafi ke mefuta ya dithutopatlisiso tse di dirwang go ithuta gore mmele o tsibogela jang kgatothibelo e e rileng le gore a kgatothibelo eo e a dira mo bolwetseng jo bo rileng. Lebelela bidio eno go ithuta go le gontsi ka ga ditekeletso tsa kalafi le gore di dira jang.

Lebelela bidio

Ke bomang ba ba ka tsayang karolo?

Go na le mefuta e le mebedi ya batho ba ba ka tsenelang thutopatlisiso eno.


ke ba:

Icon of a large purple 12 with an orange circle around it, Age Requirement

Ke ba ba nang le dingwaga di le 12 kgotsa go feta

Icon of a Covid-19 virus in a purple and orange gradient, Negative Covid-19 Test

Ke ba ba dirileng teko e e bontshitseng gore ga ba na COVID-19

Icon of a purple house with an orange door and window, Agree to join within 72 hours of Covid-19 symptoms

Dumela go tsenela thutopatlisiso mo diureng tse 72 morago ga go simolola go nna teng ga matshwao a COVID-19 mo molwetseng wa ntlha go tsenwa ke bolwetse jo bo tshelanwang.

Icon of a piece of paper with lines on it represents an eDiary; Complete daily eDairy entries

Go se nne le matsapa a go tlatsa bukatsatsi ya molwetse

Balwetse ba ntlha go tsenwa ke bolwetse jo bo tshelanwang

ke ba:

Two icons of people represent children and adults are able to be index patients for the Scorpio-Pep Study

Ke bana kgotsa bagolo ba dingwaga dingwe le dingwe

Icon of a purple house with an orange door and window, Agree to join within 72 hours of Covid-19 symptoms

E neng e le motho wa ntlha mo legaeng go fitlhelwa a na le COVID-19 fa a tlhatlhobiwa

Icon of a Covid-19 virus in a purple and orange gradient, Positive Covid-19 Test 72 hours or less after randomization

Ba dirileng teko e e bontshitseng gore ba na le COVID-19 mo diureng di le 72 kgotsa ka fa tlase tsa go abelwa setlhopha ntle le thulaganyo epe ga motsayakarolo

Icon of a purple and orange clock, 1 Covid-19 symptom within 24 hours of consent or assent

Ba nang le bobotlana jwa letshwao le le 1 la COVID-19 mo diureng di le 24 tsa go neela tumelelo/tumelelo ya go ka tsaya karolo

Batla lefelo la thutopatlisiso

Kalafi ke efe?

Kalafi e go dirwang thutopatlisiso ya yone ke S-217622. S-217622 ke molemo o o nowang ka molomo malatsi a le 5 a a tlhomaganang.

Ga go na kalafi e e tlaa fiwang balwetse ba ntlha go tsenwa ke bolwetse jo bo tshelanwang.

Go tlaa nna le ditlhopha tse pedi tsa kalafi tsa batsayakarolo mo thutopatlisisong ya SCORPIO-PEP.

Illustration of a purple hand holding an orange pill, Group 1, S-217622

Setlhopha 1: S-217622

Illustration of a purple hand holding an orange pill, Group 2, Placebo, no active ingredient

Setlhopha 2: Placebo

(ga go na setswaki se se dirang mo kalafing)

Batla lefelo la thutopatlisiso

Go direga eng ka nako ya thutopatlisiso?

Mo balwetseng ba ntlha go tsenwa ke bolwetse jo bo tshelanwang, boleele jwa thutopatlisiso ke lobaka lo lo seng ka fa tlase ga letsatsi le le 1 le lobaka lo lo sa feteng malatsi a le 3.

Go batsayakarolo, thutopatlisiso e akaretsa dikarolo tse 3: tlhatlhobo, kalafi, le tatediso.

Boleele jwa thutopatlisiso ke malatsi a le 28 le maeto a thutopatlisiso a le 7 kgotsa 8.

Paka ya Tlhatlhobo

Letsatsi 1
Leeto le le 1

O tlaa fiwa foromo e e nang le tshedimosetso yotlhe ka thutopatlisiso eno. Tsweetswee botsa ngaka ya thutopatlisiso kgotsa badiri ba thutopatlisiso ka ga sengwe le sengwe se o sa se tlhaloganyeng kgotsa se o ka ratang gore se tlhalosiwe go ya pele. Fa e le gore wena/ngwana wa gago o dumela go tsenela, o tlaa kopiwa go saena le go kwala letlha mo Foromong ya Tumelelo e e Nang le Tshedimosetso pele go dirwa diteko le mekgwatsamaiso. Bašwa ba tlaa saena le go kwala letlha mo Foromong ya Tumelelo e e Nang le Tshedimosetso ya gore Ngwana a ka Tsaya Karolo. Ditlhatlhobo le diteko tsa boitekanelo di tlaa dirwa go bona gore a thutopatlisiso e go siametse/e siametse ngwana wa gago.

Paka ya Kalafi

Malatsi 1 go ya go 5
leeto la 1

Fa thutopatlisiso e go siametse/e siametse ngwana wa gago, kalafi e tlaa simololwa. Mothamo wa ntlha wa kalafi o tlaa tsewa kwa lefelong la thutopatlisiso ka Letsatsi 1. Methamo e mengwe yotlhe e tlaa nwelwa kwa gae.

Batsayakarolo ba tlaa kopiwa go kwala matshwao a bone a COVID-19 mo bukatsatsing gabedi ka letsatsi go fitlha ka Letsatsi 28. Bukatsatsi e tshwanetse go tladiwa moo e ka nnang ka nako e le nngwe letsatsi le letsatsi.

Paka ya Tatediso

Malatsi 6 go ya go 28
maeto a le 5

Ka tatediso go tlaa dirwa ditlhatlhobo le diteko tsa tlaleletso go baya leitlho mo pabalesegong ya gago.

Dipotso Tse Di Bodiwang Kgapetsakgapetsa

Ke mefuta efe ya diteko le ditlhatlhobo tsa pholo tse nka di solofelang?

Ga e se teko nngwe le nngwe e e tlaa dirwang kwa leetong lengwe le lengwe.

A o ipaakanyeditse go simolola?

Bona gore a o ka tshwanelega go tsenela thutopatlisiso ya SCORPIO-PEP kgotsa batla lefelo la thutopatlisiso le le gaufi le wena.

Batla lefelo la thutopatlisiso

Batla lefelo la thutopatlisiso

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